Press release

When you enter the Cirque Plume big top, like the all-male brass band in "L’harmonie est-elle municipale ?", you discover a feminine world, a subtle and aerial world, and you are in for a lively show in which you will see, among others things, a crazy cyclist on a trampoline, a little man becoming a giant, a diva accompanied by a "live" piano and a whole series of tricks with lights and shadows...

In this surrealistic and poetic inventory, the real star of the show is really the troupe itself ; each and every artiste whether on the ground or in the air, is also a musician.

So, true to its spirit, the Cirque Plume combines acrobatics of high calibre with improvised clumsiness, meetings and separations, lights and shadows, in its light-hearted and playful handling of a big question - the relationship between men and women.

"L’harmonie est-elle municipale ?" is quite a story - stories between six men and six women, presented in a series of tableaux in which they are on a never-ending quest for happiness and harmony.
What encounters will come of this harmony ?
Which harmonies will survive these encounters ?